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November 01, 2009


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puma shoes

How fun! I linked to this on last weekend's weekly roundup and am just now getting around to letting you know. (I guess we were busy celebrating Easter!) Thanks so much for sharing!

Bonnie Bloom

thanks for this bit on ceonothus. it is my first year growing it and I love this plant, so I hope they thrive. i am interested in learning percolation and missed your workshop. i am in western mass. i am an experienced medicine maker, do you think i could get it if we talked over the phone and I bought the tools from you and paid for your time?
let me know what you think about that. Also, we have the Lyme epidemic here too. I and one of my grown daughters have had it this year and mnay clients and friends. Would love to talk/share with you about treatment options you find successful if you are interested.
Bonnie Bloom
Blue Crow Botanicals
Gill, MA

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